Sam Eddington, Eastern Shore Regional Library
Sam facilitated an Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Unconference at ALA 2019. As staff development coordinator for public libraries on the Eastern Shore, he has also hired various presenters on this topic and can be a good resource.
Jaleen Walker, Prince George's County Memorial Library System
Jaleen facilitated Diversity & Inclusion one day workshop (Exploring the Scope of Diversity & Inclusion in Maryland Libraries) at five regional locations for public librarians in the state during 2016. She is available on her own time as a consultant.
University of North Carolina:
Library Juice Academy:
“Allyship, Anti-Oppression Practices, and Building Inclusive Libraries.” Instructor C.J. Ivory. Offered in October 2019.
“Autism Spectrum Disorders and Libraries: Developing Welcoming and Accessible Library Resources and Services for Patrons on the Spectrum.” Instructor Dawn Behrend. Offered November 2019.
“Cultural Competence for Librarians.” Instructor Shaundra Walker. Not currently scheduled, but potentially available for special sessions.
“Introduction to Accessibility and Universal Design in Libraries.” Instructor Carli Spina. Offered in November 2019.
“Mental Disorders in the Library: Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Patrons Struggling with Mental Disorders.” Instructor Dawn Behrend. Offered October 2019.
“Redefining Wellness for Librarians of Color.” Instructor Amanda Leftwich. Offered in April 2020.
San Jose State University School of Information Open Classes delivered online.
Most electives in the Master of Library and Information Science program and the Master of Archives and Records Administration program are available on a space-available basis during fall, spring, and summer sessions. The offerings vary by semester but include several special topic courses that sometimes focus on diversity-related topics, including:
INFO 220 GLBTIQ Resources and Services
NFO 220 Resources and Services for Patrons with Disabilities
INFO 281 Indigenous Librarianship (each spring)
INFO 281 Intercultural Communication
American Library Association, Office for Diversity, Literacy & Outreach Services:
“Cultural Humility.”
“How Cultural Intelligence Makes a Difference in the Information Profession: Are You Culturally Competent?”
“Latina/o Engagement: Case Studies to Connect Your Community.”
“Latina/o Outreach: Steps to Engaging Your Community”
Variety of additional topics:
“Using Social Media as a Tool to Advocate Diversity and Inclusion.”
“We Know Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion are Important. . . Now What?”
OCLC WebJunction:
“¡Bienvenidos! Outreach and Publicity for Spanish Speakers.”
“Community Engagement: Serving Diverse Communities Where They Are.”
“Laying Out the Welcome Mat: Asset Mapping to Better Serve the Immigrant Community.”
Niche Academy
Othering and Belonging Institute (UC Berkeley)