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Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Resources for Maryland Libraries: Staff Training Resources

An ongoing collection of resources to support academic, public, school, and research libraries and institutions in promoting and supporting EDI throughout their organizations.

Local Speakers/Experts

Sam Eddington, Eastern Shore Regional Library

Sam facilitated an Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Unconference at ALA 2019.  As staff development coordinator for public libraries on the Eastern Shore, he has also hired various presenters on this topic and can be a good resource.


Jaleen Walker, Prince George's County Memorial Library System

Jaleen facilitated Diversity & Inclusion one day workshop (Exploring the Scope of Diversity & Inclusion in Maryland Libraries) at five regional locations for public librarians in the state during 2016.  She is available on her own time as a consultant.

National Resources/Experts

Paid resources


Online Courses/Webinars

University of North Carolina:

  • "Project Ready - Curriculum for Youth Librarians." Project Ready (Reimagining Equity and Access for Diverse Youth) curriculum that has been developed through the School of Library and Information Science at the University of North Carolina.  This is a substantial professional development commitment, but one that provides strategies and learning in a training focus area of extreme interest and importance. The project cannot provide an exact number of hours needed to complete the study, but they recommend individuals plan on a minimum of 30 hours, and that is doing only the curriculum, not the extension activities.  It is recommended that 1-2 hours per week for a year is alloted to complete the entire Project READY course with extension activities.

Library Juice Academy:

San Jose State University School of Information Open Classes delivered online

Most electives in the Master of Library and Information Science program and the Master of Archives and Records Administration program are available on a space-available basis during fall, spring, and summer sessions.  The offerings vary by semester but include several special topic courses that sometimes focus on diversity-related topics, including:

  • INFO 220 GLBTIQ Resources and Services

  • NFO 220 Resources and Services for Patrons with Disabilities

  • INFO 281 Indigenous Librarianship (each spring)

  • INFO 281 Intercultural Communication

American Library Association, Office for Diversity, Literacy & Outreach Services:


OCLC WebJunction:

Niche Academy

Othering and Belonging Institute (UC Berkeley) 

  • A free, self-paced online curriculum featuring dynamic speakers and sponsored by UC Berkeley.