Here is a list of statewide communities of practice in Maryland public and regional libraries. Members share similar professional roles in their organizations. They meet together to network, share best practices, develop in their role, collaborate on statewide projects, and provide expertise statewide. These groups proceed to meet and coordinate with the encouragement of the libraries that employ their members, and support from the Maryland State Library Agency.
Adult Programming
Members in the roles of adult services supervisor for their library system meet bi-monthly to share best practices, ideas, and training. Members of the Youth Services group are invited.
Listserv: yes; Please contact the co-chairs to be added
Chairpersons: Emily Levine, Manager, Adult Services, Programs & Outreach, Enoch Pratt Free Library and Allison Jessign, Howard County Library System
MSLA Liaison: Nini Beegan
The group collaborates on the public-facing Maryland Libraries Together program under the guidance of a planning team.
Data & Statistics
Members meet to discuss best practices for collecting, managing and conveying data and statistics in their library systems and statewide.
Listserv: yes
MSLA Liaison: Laura Hicks, Maryland State Library Agency
Laura works with the group to determine the meeting schedule
Tableau group continues to meet regularly to share learning on this data visualization tool. Monthly online lunch and learns are held to discuss Tableau-related topics. The contact is Colin Khem, Business Intelligence Analyst, Prince George's County Memorial Library System.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Members meet to discuss projects and practices related to equity, diversity, and inclusion in Maryland libraries. Their focus relates to staff needs in non-administrator roles in Maryland Libraries.
Chairperson: Jaleen Walker, Staff Development Coordinator, Prince George's County Memorial Library
Listserv: yes
Meetings: Monthly
MSLA Liaison: Nini Beegan
All library staff involved in E-Rate planning, procurement, finance, and IT are encouraged to join the E-Rate community of practice led by EdTech Strategies, the E-Rate consultants for the Maryland State Library Agency.
Listserv: yes; Please contact Mary Rayme
Led by: Aleck Johnson
Meeting Dates: E-Rate training happens 3-4 times per year and aligns with key E-Rate form deadlines
MSLA Liaison: Mary Rayme
Human Resources
Members meet to discuss various HR-related issues to include but not limited to legislation, current trends, policies and procedures, staffing concerns, etc.
Meets virtually monthly as needed. Typically third Thursdays at 2 p.m.
Listserv: yes
Chairperson: Stacey Fields, Director of Human Resources, Howard County Library System
Hosting: Rotates every month but has been meeting on Zoom
MSLA Liaison: Nini Beegan
Inclusion & Accessibility
Public and school library staff members meet to:
This Community of Practice focuses on all kinds of disabilities and age groups.
Meets virtually, third Wednesday of each month.
Chair: LaShawn Myles, Youth Librarian of the MD Library for the Blind & Print Disabled
MSLA Liaison: Carrie Sanders
Marketing & Outreach
Members meet to network, to learn and to discuss various Marketing & Communication issues. Statewide projects such as One Maryland One Book and Choose Civility are discussed, as are best practices for effective messaging, advocacy, and marketing/media strategies.
Meets quarterly, in-person
Listserv: Yes - Please contact chairperson to be added to the list
Chair: Ashley Biggs, Outreach Librarian, MD Library for the Blind & Print Disabled
MSLA Liaison: Nini Beegan
MDLIBTECH exists to provide a forum where Maryland public and regional library information technology staff can share our expertise and insight, and to provide a framework for efficient learning and collaboration among the membership. The membership is composed of Maryland public and regional library technology specialists, generalists and enthusiasts, and representatives from the Maryland State Library.
MDLIBTECH has been a sponsor of the MD Tech Connect event since the event's inception in 2015. For the last four years, Tech Connect has served as the group's December meeting.
Meets every other month
Yes - Please join the listserv via the website
Chair: Robyn Truslow, Calvert Library
MSLA Liaison: Nini Beegan
Staff Development
The Maryland Staff Development Coordinators group exists to provide a framework for effective and efficient collaboration of statewide staff development projects and programs, and to share staff development experiences and resources. Members work together to Identify and articulate emerging staff development and training needs.
Meets quarterly (typically online)
Listserv: Yes
Chairs: Marina Turner, Charles County Public Library; Alicia Blake, Eastern Shore Regional Library (ESRL)
MSLA Liaison: Nini Beegan
Service Members, Veterans, and Military Families (SMVF) Library Liaisons
These public library staff members from all Maryland public libraries convene periodically and exchange information via this listserv to share how they are supporting their SVMF communities through library programs, services, and partnerships. This group also engages in learning opportunities to enhance their knowledge and awareness through trainings offered by the Maryland Department of Veterans & Military Families and the Maryland Department of Health, Commitment to Veterans.
Meets annually.
MSLA Liaison: Carrie Sanders
Workforce, Business, and Career
Members meet monthly to share ideas and collaborate on workforce, business, and career programs and services in public libraries.
Listserv: yes
Chairs: Jaleen Walker, PGCMLS; Alayna Davenport, Enoch Pratt Free Library; Christopher Borroughs, Cecil County Public Library
MSLA Liaison: Nini Beegan
The group also develops and coordinates the public-facing Career Success Month program.
Youth Services
The Maryland Youth Services Coordinators group exists to provide a framework for effective and efficient collaboration of statewide youth services best practices, to network, and to share ideas, experiences and resources regarding early literacy, school-age, STEM, and teen services. This group identifies emerging trends in youth services and their training needs. The Summer Reading Advisory Council (SRAC) is a sub-group of this community, and meets as needed to discuss pertinent issues, address needs, and create resources that will support summer services statewide.
Meets twice a year, either in-person or online, in November and April. Additional meeting are held online, as needed. )
Listserv: Yes
MSLA Liaison: Carrie Sanders